Sunday, June 10, 2007


Chickasaw Way has it's critters- many of them nocturnal in nature. This is one of them. This armadillo was burrowing into a layer of leaves along the bike path in front of Chickasaw. We had an armadillo family set up shop under our back stoop and they would travel in and out, mostly at night. We think that they suffered the attrition created by the incompatibility of automobile traffic and the relatively slow moving animals attempts to cross the road (a nice way of sayinf they were run over by a car). There are also many squirrels in the neighborhood, some of whom gnaw holes under eaves and crawl into attics. Perhaps the most prolific of our critters at Chickasaw Way are the many lizards and geckos that ones sees on the and by the sidewalks and in yards. On rare occasions they enter the house and must be gathered up and returned to the outside.

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